Monday, July 6, 2009


With the social media craze in full swing, it is not surprising that children and PARENTS spend an unbelieveable amount of time online. Between Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, and the list goes on...people have a plethora of sites to chat with friends, co-workers and anyone who will listen to what the had for breakfast, where they are headed to and what has got them laughing or pissed off on this particular day, making REAL conversations practically obsolete.

However, what I find most amusing about social media is all of the groups and fan pages you can join to express yourself and your overwhelming interests in well...EVERYTHING!!!

It was my 12 year old daughter who inspired this post. She started to tell me about all of the groups she was a fan of on Facebook. Some of them were just too good not to let the general public know about!

She has informed me that she has joined 42 fan pages/groups on loving coffee. There were many more, however, she though after 42 it was a bit much! Ya think??? I know she loves coffee (my mother's fault, not mine. I am a tea drinker) but if one fan page wasn't enough to convey this love, she wanted to let her friends know of her coffee obssesion, which I believe she has succeeded in expressing this.

In addition to the unhealthy love of coffee, she has become a fan of pages like: I hate Mosquitoes (Big Fan!), That's What She Said (concerned about this!), Cookie Dough, S'Mores, Bubble Wrap, Texting (of course!), I Hate One Word Text Messages, Laughing When Someone Falls (in which over 2.3 million people are fans of...disturbing yet very funny!), Thunderstorms, F My Life (again concerned here) and she even told me of a fan pages, Walking the Wrong Way on Escalators and Fliping the Pillow Over to Get the Cold Side which almost 3 million people are fans of! Seriously!

I am going to create a fan page for I hate Men Who Don't Cut Their Toe Nails (and then proceed to wear open-toes sandals) which surprisingly there is no page for that! Gross! That is a subway story for another day!

Then of course there are the traditional fan pages for your typical musicians, celebrities and companies. If you are one of those and don't have a Facebook or Twiiter page, you basically don't exsist in this day and age.

I think social media is a excellent way to communicate with millions of people and distribute information in a micro-second. I also think it is a fantastic way to express in your own blog per say. :)

So, the next time you are on Facebook and want to tell the world what you are a fan of, just search the cooky Facebook pages and you will be amazed at what you come across. At the very least, it will definitely bring a smile to your face!

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